Journeys Through Leadership

Joe and Betty Atkinson (HOPE 29:11 Resources) - Season 3 Episode 8

December 28, 2023 CMSgt Denny Richardson
Journeys Through Leadership
Joe and Betty Atkinson (HOPE 29:11 Resources) - Season 3 Episode 8
Show Notes

Welcome to JTL, where we shine a spotlight on extraordinary individuals making a difference in the local community.  In today's episode, we have the pleasure of featuring a truly inspiring veteran couple, dedicated to serving and enriching the lives of those around them.  Join Joe and Betty Atkinson and I as we delve into their heartwarming journey and discover the impact they've made on our local community.

And as we celebrate the selfless service of our veteran couple, we also want to highlight the vital work of HOPE 29:11 Resources, a nonprofit organization committed to providing housing for the less fortunate.  Together, our guests and this incredible organization embody the spirit of compassion and community upliftment.  Tune in to learn more about their collaborative efforts and the positive change they're brining to those in need.
